Teachers » Administrative Certification

Administrative Certification

Training and/or reviewed, completed, and/or discussed with all employees annually.

Abolition of Corporal Punishment BUL-5747.2

Policy and Procedure for the Acquisition and Use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) BUL-4480.1

Bullying and Hazing Policy (Student-to-Student and Student-to-Adult) BUL-5212.2

Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Requirements BUL-1347.4

Code of Conduct with Students - Distribution and Dissemination

Crisis Response, Suicide Intervention, Threat Assessment

Discipline Foundation Policy BUL-6231.0

Emergency Supplies Checklist

Employee Attendance

English Learner Programs Instructional Online Accountabilities

Ethics Policies

Family Medical Leave and Reasonable Accommodations

Mandatory Posting of Regulatory Notices

Injury & Illness Prevention Program

Internet Safety for Students BUL5181.2

Responsible Use Policy (RUP) For District Computers and Information Systems Information for Employees BUL-999.11, Attachment B

Nondiscrimination Information and Sexual Harassment Policy & Required Notices

OSHA 300A Annual Certification

PHBAO Conference

Special Education and Section 504 BUL-4692.7

Student and Employee Security

Student Body Policies

Student Support and Progress Team

Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) BUL-5159.9

Williams Complaint Procedures BUL-4759.4


Training and/or review, complete, and/or discuss with all employees on January 11, 2021.

Employee Safety Seal Program

English Learner Programs Instructional Online Accountabilities

PHBAO Conference


  1. Report to the Main Office or other designated office prior to proceeding to assigned classrooms or work areas.
  2. Lock classroom doors when working alone before or after school hours. Use extra caution if working in isolated areas or in rooms/offices with exterior doors.
  3. Leave door windows uncovered.
  4. Exercise stringent control of assigned school keys and do not give/loan assigned school keys to students.
  5. Secure all personal valuables.
  6. Report any person loitering in or adjacent to parking areas, and/or sitting in a parked car.
  1. Develop a sense of community both between students and between students and staff.
  2. Review safety tips with students, and remind them to be alert to their surroundings. Refer to REF-1404, School Traffic Safety.
  3. Review examples of appropriate conduct between students and adults on campus and during extra-curricular activities.
  4. Instruct students to avoid strangers and provide strategies for avoiding contact with strangers. Encourage students to talk to any adult on campus should they notice suspicious activities.
  5. For Grades K through 5, establish and maintain a buddy system when students go to and from the office or restroom.
  6. Remind students of safety tips pertaining to curricular trips, dances and athletic events.
  7. Maintain supportive, positive, professional, and non-exploitative relationships with students at all times. Refer to BUL-5167.0, Code of Conduct with Students-Distribution and Dissemination Requirement Policy, and Employee Code of Ethics, LAUSD Ethics Office.
  8. Adhere to all mandated reporting requirements when you become aware of incidents jeopardizing students’ physical or emotional well-being (abuse, threats, traffic accidents, etc.).