School Counseling Office

Request a Transcript
To request an official transcript, please call the School Counseling Office at (310) 354-5012 or email [email protected].
If you attended Gardena High School before 2001, please follow the procedures below.

Send a written request to:

Attention: Transcript Request
P.O. Box 3307, 9th Floor, Beaudry
Los Angeles, CA 90051

Your request should include:
  1. The correct spelling of your name while attending school
  2. Date of birth
  3. Place of birth
  4. Name of school attended
  5. Date graduated if applicable
  6. Driver's license number or social security number for ID
  7. Check or money order payable to Los Angeles Unified School District
  8. Name of parents
  9. Sign and date the request
There are fees involved in researching and photocopying transcripts or related records from LAUSD. Information regarding costs for transcripts ordered from the school district can be found at Other information such as health records may also be available.

To get more information, go to and find the Frequently Asked Questions, pull-down menu. Pull down the menu to see the "How do I get my High School Transcripts". Click GO, and continue reading and clicking on the information you need. Payment must accompany transcript orders so be sure to check the transcript fee schedule. If you have questions, call Student Records Unit at (213) 241-1080.
Dual Enrollment
Please see L. Thao, School Counselor, at the School Counseling Office if you're interested to enroll today.
Registration Links:
Work Permit
Students must be in good academic standing and on-track to meet the graduation requirements.
1. Get a job offer
2. Complete the B1-1 Form (Statement of Intent to Employ Minor), print, and obtain signatures from your employer and parent/guardian. Click  or email T. Pham at [email protected]
3. Return the completed application to T. Pham in DD1