Specialized Academic Instruction » Welcome to Specialized Academic Instruction

Welcome to Specialized Academic Instruction

Gardena Senior High School offers several special education programs to meet the learning needs of students eligible to receive Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) or Special Education (SPED) support and services.

GHS Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI)/Special Education (SPED) programs:

Resource Specialist Program (RSP):

Students within the Resource Specialist Program (RSP) are on the general education curriculum and receive support and services from Resource Specialist Teachers within the general education classroom or on a collaborative basis with the general education teacher(s). 

Specific Learning Disability Program (SLD):

Students in the Specific Learning Disability Program (SLD) are on the general education curriculum in a smaller learning environment for most of their core classes.

Autism Core Program (AUT Core):

Students in the Autism Core Program are on the general education curriculum receiving support and services from a Special Day Program Teacher that specializes in providing support and services for students primarily with the eligibility of Autism in a smaller learning environment for most of their core classes.  These students also have the added benefit of receiving the support of a communication skills elective class.

Special Education Important Information

Parent Counseling & Training Workshops

The purpose of Parent Counseling and Training (PCT), as a related service, is to offer parents information on child development, to enhance knowledge and understanding of their child’s special needs, and to assist in acquiring skills to support the implementation of their child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). PCT is prescribed as part of the student’s IEP. PCT is offered every school year and is delivered in English and Spanish.


For more information about PCT workshops including the schedule, please view the Spring 2023 Schedule (English y Español) or contact your child’s IEP team.


To request interpretation services in another language, or if you have questions, please call the PCT hotline at (213) 674-1576 and leave a clear and detailed message and your call will be returned. You may also send an email to [email protected].


A parent's guide to Special Education services including procedural rights and safeguards.


A guide for parents with information about the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meeting.


Transition Guides

Informational guides for Students with Disabilities ages 14 or older and their families about the Individual Transition Plan (ITP).


Alternate Dispute Resolution

Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an informal dispute resolution process adapted by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and supported by the California Department of Education (CDE) for resolving special education concerns early.


District Parent Pages

Local District South Special Education Parent Page

LAUSD Special Education Parent Page

Contact Us

For all Gardena Senior High School Special Education inquiries and concerns, please contact the Intervention Coordinator Jaime Thedford at [email protected]


Special Education Assistant Principal

Dr. Judy Jackson

Email: [email protected]


Intervention Coordinator

Email:  [email protected]


Special Education Modified Consent Decree Clerk

Mrs. Seward

Phone: (310) 354-5000